It’s time to put your winter tyres on
We would like to inform our Honourable Customers hereby that seasonal tyre replacement at both sites of Mercarius Kft. will be started with effect from 9 October 2017 and will last up to 1 December 2017.
- Mercarius M3 site physically found at 36-38 Komáromi Road, Budapest 1142, beside the lead-in road section of Highway M3
- Mercarius M5 site physically found at 44 Illatos Road, Budapest 1097, beside the lead-in road section of Highway M5
You can invariably register for tyre replacement individually or in groups, through the corporate contact persons. Please register individually well ahead at one of the contact details of our service stations stated below for better time management:
Register to the M3 site:
- use the e-mail address
- call our job assignment representative Attila Farkas at the phone number 70/450-6576
- call our job assignment representative István Böröcz at the phone number 70/450-6575
Register to the M5 site:
- use the e-mail address
- call our job assignment representative Miklós Tóth at the phone number 30/343-5992
- call our job assignment representative Krisztián Móra at the phone number 30/287-3257
Time slots are uniformly specified in the period Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. - 16.00 p.m. , and demounting and mounting is expected to be completed within a period of approximately 30. Expected waiting time for registration is 3 or 4 days.
When you register, please provide the following particulars:
- licence plate number
- current reading of the register
- name and telephone number of the car user
- first preference in terms of the day
In the event the replacement of the tyres takes place under the bring and carry service, it can only be performed from the site of the leaseholder and a time slot can be secured four or days ahead which is expected to be increased as a function of the workload. We kindly request your cooperation so that our employees could actually take the cars over at the agreed dates and times, in order to prevent delays. (Our personnel will be able to wait for the cars approximately 15 minutes, subsequently they must return to our premises so that the servicing of the next client with the upcoming scheduled car could happen.) The staff members will arrive with a pre-arranged job form on which the date and time of acceptance and return will be recorded. Please cooperate with us and confirm the job sheets with your signature without special request.
Important notes:
- For tyre replacement organised in cities in the country, please contact the agreed service point directly for reporting!
- The tyres on the cars which are submitted to our workshop after 2 October 2017 for any other servicing work or an insurance case will be replaced without any special request needed, which will be communicated upon return of the cars.
- Please understand that in the case of tyre replacement sessions accomplished as part of the bring and carry service the cars can not be returned on exact times within the business hours.
- Other service requests incurred in addition to the seasonal tyre replacement session can only be handled as independent service appointments, therefore a longer waiting time should be calculated with in these cases.
- New cars handed over to clients after 2 October 2017 will be fitted with winter tyres.
- Rubber tyres rejected in the course of the seasonal tyre replacement session specifically due to damages will be photographed and the fact of rejection will be entered on the jog sheet before return, the triggering cause communicated to the user or the contact person of the client. Invoices for the replacement tyres of the rejected ones will be set out at the end of the seasonal tyre replacement, before 31 December 2017 the latest. – Please note that car washing and cleaning can not be done simultaneously with the seasonal tyre replacement, such services can only be provided for cars which are scheduled for inspection anyway.
Please cooperate with us in accomplishing the seasonal tyre replacement operations within the time periods specified above.
Budapest, 29 September 2017
Yours sincerely:
Customer service